Detailed Picture Tutorials On How To Cook Snails.

This is how to place a snail in preparation for chopping off just the tip.

With a butcher's knife or machete or even a hammer, chop off the pointed tip of the snail to create an opening for your butter knife or whatever you'll use to turn and squeeze out the snail.

These are all empty shells, the snails have been removed without crushing or boiling them live. no messy slimy floors after cleaning

After chipping off, insert a table knife in the part you chopped and continue to push while turning your hand like you do with a key

Once the inserted table knife is turned inwards, snail pops out like here, some snails fall out completely, you remove the knife and push out the snail

Cut and squeeze limes into the snails, lemon can also be used but it doesn't clean as much as these limes.
Yeah, don't worry about that, always appears when I take sugary drinks and disappears when I successfully stay off: Allergy

With your fingers, pull out the entrails, the black and white stuff

Cut off unwanted stuff while cleaning

Cut washed snails in halves like this picture

This pic should have come earlier, after removing snails from the shells, with your fingers, feel for tiny shell stuck on the white part and carefullycut that little shell off with a knife cos you don't want some shell in your food

Snails are further cut into tiny pieces cos I want to add them to soup

Immediately add snails to boiling water, you don't want no slime or freeze if they are not being used

Snails in boiling water

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