The Ultimate Guide To Selling Your Imported Goods On Konga Marketplace

The mini importation business is one of the most
profitable businesses anyone can lay his/her hands
on. With the right attitude and commitment one can
turn a few thousand Naira to Millions of Naira in
short period of time. Daily, tens of people are
turning to this business; either on a full-time or part-
time basis. However, as interesting and profitable as
this business can be, it can also be quite frustrating.
There are two vital parts of the importation process.
The first part is, Buying and shipping goods
successfully from trade portals (Mostly from
Chinese sites Aliexpress, Alibaba Dhgate Etc); while
the second part is selling the goods quickly and
profitably. The second part is where most people
are not finding easy and which is the reason many
people are quitting the business. However, Konga
has presented a unique and wonderful opportunity
for people to sell on their platform, and several
smart individuals are making tons of cash selling
their imported goods on this platform on a regular
basis. I made over N500,000 within 30 days myself
(Don't worry, I will show you proof), this programme
is known as Konga Marketplace. This article would
discuss the entire process involved in setting up
your store on Konga marketplace and it's very
important you act on this information if you truly
want to a lot of money from your importation
business, there is no limit to how much you can
make selling your imported goods on Konga, and
the sweetest part is, You will sell Fast.
Konga Marketplace is a platform that allow sellers to
handle the entire process of listing products on their
website, setting their preferred price and creating a
perfect store for their business, compared to other
E-commerce sites, it's easier to create your own
store on Konga, after setting up your account, you
will be given a unique URL address to your online
store on Konga, this does not only allow you to
promote your store on various social networks, it
also gives you the advantage of branding your
business online and leveraging on the popularity
and general acceptance of one of Nigeria's foremost
E-commerce site.
The first step to getting your product on Konga is by
visiting, click on the "Register"
button to get started. On the registration page you
get to fill out the sign up form, with details
containing your full name, Your unique store name,
traceable address, bank details and other
information that can be used to establish your
identity as a resident of your address. It's important
to fill out the form accurately because Konga would
make use of this information in sending out
payment whenever you make a sale on your store.
After filling out the form accurately, Konga would
setup a store for you on the Seller HQ platform, a
support officer would also be assigned to you, he/
she is responsible for guiding you through the
process of setting up your store. On the Seller HQ,
you would be able to upload your products pictures,
descriptions and selling price, the Seller HQ portal
allows you to monitor sales and update your store
items from time to time; it's like a back door to your
store. Once your store is up and running, you get a
unique URL to your store, you can make use of this
URL in promoting your store on various social
Konga earns certain amount of commission for
every item sold on your store; the percentage of
commission depends on the category of product
sold. Another factor that determines the amount of
commission charged is the class of seller you
belong to; there are two classes of seller; premium
seller and classic seller. Premium sellers often run
large stores and make sales of about #1million per
month with a minimum quality rating of 90%,
commission rate for this category of seller ranges
between 2-7%, classic seller on the other hand run
small stores with sales value less than a million
Naira per month and quality rating of 80%,
commission rate for this category of seller ranges
between 3-10%.
There are various drop-off points within Lagos state,
once an order is placed on your store, Konga
notifies you immediately, and you're expected to
package the item ordered and drop it off at any of
Konga's drop-off point in Lagos. You're not expected
to pay any fee for the shipping process, once you get
to the drop-off centre, all you need to provide is
your Seller ID, your order waybill which you must
have printed out from your Seller HQ, after which
you will be given a tracking number with which you
can monitor the delivery of the item to your buyer.
For a comprehensive list of drop-off centre, please
Konga handles the shipping process for you; all you
have to do is drop-off your item at designated drop-
off points as discussed above, from where Konga
Express service or DHL ship out the item to your
buyer, you would be given a tracking number which
allows you to track your item until it is delivered to
your buyer. You don't have to worry about the
shipping fee, the product price plus the shipping fee
will be calculated for the customer to pay at the
point of ordering.
Sellers are due for payment once delivery is
confirmed by the buyer and the refund period is
over; normally, Konga allows buyer to request for
refund if they're not satisfied with the product they
bought from a particular store, once the refund
period is over, payment is made into sellers account
based on the bank information provided during the
sign up process.
This is the latest feature available to Merchants on
the Konga Marketplace platform to boost their sales.
Sellers are now allowed to create adverts for their
store on Konga; it's a way of promoting your store
on Konga homepage site, the price charged varies
depending on the size and location of the ads on
homepage. It's highly advisable to promote your
store provided you can afford it and you have a
large stock of the goods you are promoting; in other
to increase your sales and rating. The price ranges
between #50,000 and #7500 per day.
Apart for this, there are other numerous ways to
promote your store, both online and offline, part of
which includes, creating a page for your store on
Facebook and Google+, sharing links to products,
offering promo sales during festive seasons, you
can as well pay for sponsored blog post on popular
blogs with targeted audience towards your store
products, you can create a blog where you discuss
issues that relates to your products, from the blog,
you can gather subscribers, and forward
promotional emails to them on weekly basis.
For any business, either online or offline, good
reputation is of uttermost priority. This is why it is
very important to do your best in satisfying your
customers by responding to their enquiries as soon
as you can, remembering the fact that Konga allows
buyer to rate your store based on the quality of your
products and services, poor customer feedback
would give your store a huge setback. The best
practice is to avoid getting negative feedbacks from
NB: You can download a Free E-book on the above
topic, and also how to get goods cheaply directly
from Chinese Manufacturers on the site
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