An Appeal To Arabic And IRS Teachers In Our Children's Schools

Assalam alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu.

I put my children in a school that provides secular education to enable them to take care of their dunya and give them a profession.
I made sure that the school is also offering an Islamic curriculum, mode of dressing and background so as to take care of their akhira.
But Islam is NOT a religion of rote recitation of the Qur'an or blind memorisation of hadith. Islam is a way of life; that enshrines Justice, Mercy, Empathy and good manners to every member of the community... young and old. And of course, the best way to impart those attributes to our children is for you, their respected ustadhis and ustadhas, to show them by example; because you are their first contact with Islam outside the home.
Please stop teaching our children that might is right. That Muslims are unjust and arbitrary in punishment.

Why would a whole class of 4year olds go home with stripes on their backs because one or two of them made noise and you were unable to identify the culprits? How do I tell my child that the punishment was justified? Or should I have told my son to snitch on his muslim classmates? Or was it my son's fault that you could not control your class?
How should I feel when my 8year old child says that her worst subject is Qur'an memorisation, because Ustadh insists on using the cane as his favored memory aid? I wonder how many children can memorise the Qur'an with a cane hovering over their heads. Or what permanent feelings they associate with the memorisation of the Qur'an.

What should I tell my children was the cause of the stray stroke of the cane given at random during Jumat service, presumably done to prevent noisemaking before the child thinks of making noise?
I did not send my children to a Muslim oriented school to be turned to craven slaves cowering at the next stroke of the cane. I sent them to learn that Islam hates injustice, cruelty and inflicting pain. I want them to be proud to be Muslims.
Please. If any of you are out there, correct your approach. Cane them by all means; if they break the rules; but learn to use the option of mercy, then justice. Many have said that they left Islam because of its association with 'alfa' and his cane. For many who still remain muslim, the cane hovering over their heads is the only memory they have of their 'ile kewun' days.
I do not want my children to be any of those.

I humbly apologise if I have offended anyone. It was not my intention.
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