7 Reasons Your Period Might Just Be Running Late And You Are Not Pregnant Read
I came across this vital piece and I feel the info will
help save relationships and above all, clear certain
For the last week or so, I've been somewhat
convinced that I'm pregnant. For the most part, this
belief was paranoid, but also not entirely outside the
realm of possibility. I had a proper French affair
when I was in Paris a few weeks ago and at one
point there was a broken condom situation, though
we realized it was broken and replaced it with a
fresh one prior to, ahem, any fluids reaching their
apex, so to speak. But I know how babies are made
and I'm a total hypochondriac, so when my period
failed to arrive on the day it was supposed to, and
the day after, and the day after that, and I started
feeling gassier than usual, well, I began to panic. I
started to type "gas sign of" into Google and the
search engine, seemingly reading my mind,
autofilled the rest with "early pregnancy." Oh god, I
thought. It was all but confirmed. "Everyone, I think I
might be carrying the French waiter's baby," I
announced dramatically to my coworkers. "I really
doubt that," said Ami, "But why don't you take a
pregnancy test to be sure." As practical as that idea
sounded, I wasn't quite ready for confirmation of the
status of my uterus just yet — mostly because I
didn't quite know how I felt about possibly being
pregnant — so I decided to research all the possible
reasons for why my normally prompt period might
be late and I (and you, if you're in a similar situation)
shouldn't be panicking. Here are the seven most
likely reasons your period might be late besides
pregnancy … and if you make it to the end, you'll find
out whether or not my panicking was all for naught.
1. A Change In Your Regular Routine: Did you start a
new job? Change your wakeup time? Go on
vacation? It can take your body a little time to adjust
to a change in your regular routine and that can
impact your regular cycle, especially if the change
started at the time you would normally ovulate,
causing a delay or even a skipped cycle. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Moderate. I mean,
I did just spend a week doing nothing but eating
cheese and drinking wine in France. Usually my
routine consists of working and then eating cheese
and drinking wine, so…
2. Stress: Your emotions, particularly stress, can
have a major impact on the regularity of your
menstrual cycle. And if you're stressing about why
your period is late, that could actually delay its
arrival even more. Mother Nature is a cruel
mistress! Likelihood That This Is Impacting My
Period: High. Looking back over the last few months,
I've been stressed a lot — about my dad's death and
dealing with his estate, about work, etcetera — and I
might just be seeing the effects of that on my cycle
3. Illness: Being sick at the time you normally would
ovulate can delay ovulation — and if you ovulate
late, you'll get your period late. So if your period
hasn't arrived on schedule, think back a few weeks
— were you under the weather? Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Minor. I haven't been sick
recently, unless you count being hungover.
4. Pill Poppin': Taking a new medication or changing
the dosage on an existing medication can affect all
aspects of your body's well-being, including your
menstrual cycle — that's why your doctor, including
your gynecologist, always wants to know each and
every medication that you're on. Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Minor. I'm on a couple of
medications, but have been for while and haven't
changed my dosages at all.
5. Weight Issues: A major change in your weight —
either by gaining a lot or losing a lot of weight — can
throw your ovulation cycle off. People who are
underweight or extremely overweight sometimes
don't have a period at all — which is not very
healthy. Overall, an incredibly wonky or nonexistent
period is a sign of possible health issues. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. Well, I've
gradually gained maybe 7-10 pounds over the last
year, but I don't consider that a "major" change in
my weight — my weight has generally fluctuated by
the same 5-10 lbs for years.
6. Exercising Excessively: Have you been hitting Soul
Cycle every day after work? Training for a marathon?
If you've taken up a new and intense exercise
routine, your period might be thrown off. In fact,
people who engage in extreme physical activity
sometimes see their periods delayed. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. Um, I've
been to yoga, like, four times in the last four
months. I took my first Soul Cycle class ever last
night and it was awesome but rough. The most
exercise I generally get is from manically cleaning
my apartment or walking my dog. Fitness fiend, I am
7. Miscalculation: The average menstrual cycle is 28
days, but many, many women have shorter or
longer cycles and don't chart them correctly — so it
may be that your period is not actually late.
Additionally, the majority of women have cycles that
are irregular and don't necessarily realize it. If your
period is early even by a few days one month, it may
arrive late the following month. Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Major. As I obsessively
looked back through my calendar and tried to
remember when I had my last few periods, I
realized that the first day of each period was either a
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. I had always
thought of myself as having a regular ol' 28 cycle.
but clearly I don't; clearly my cycle is slightly
irregular and so what I consider "late" may not
actually be late. These are a few of the more basic,
every day reasons that an otherwise healthy woman,
who is not pregnant, might have a late period. There
are of course other, more serious reasons — a
thyroid condition, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or
an eating disorder for example. If you've taken a
negative pregnancy test and your period is more
than a couple weeks late, you should see your
gynecologist just to make sure everything is a-okay.
As for me? I took a pregnancy test on Saturday
morning, the most nerve-racking experience ever
because I had to drink, like, a gallon of water before
I felt like I had to pee enough. After three minutes, I
got my answer — Not Pregnant. No baby Fracois or
Amelie for me. A tiny, tiny part of me felt a little sad
— I'm planning on having a baby in the next three
years — but I mostly felt relieved, because I am
really committed to having a child on my own terms,
at the right time. Oh, and sure enough, Sunday
morning, got my period.
– Amelia McDonell-Parry/TheFrisky
help save relationships and above all, clear certain
For the last week or so, I've been somewhat
convinced that I'm pregnant. For the most part, this
belief was paranoid, but also not entirely outside the
realm of possibility. I had a proper French affair
when I was in Paris a few weeks ago and at one
point there was a broken condom situation, though
we realized it was broken and replaced it with a
fresh one prior to, ahem, any fluids reaching their
apex, so to speak. But I know how babies are made
and I'm a total hypochondriac, so when my period
failed to arrive on the day it was supposed to, and
the day after, and the day after that, and I started
feeling gassier than usual, well, I began to panic. I
started to type "gas sign of" into Google and the
search engine, seemingly reading my mind,
autofilled the rest with "early pregnancy." Oh god, I
thought. It was all but confirmed. "Everyone, I think I
might be carrying the French waiter's baby," I
announced dramatically to my coworkers. "I really
doubt that," said Ami, "But why don't you take a
pregnancy test to be sure." As practical as that idea
sounded, I wasn't quite ready for confirmation of the
status of my uterus just yet — mostly because I
didn't quite know how I felt about possibly being
pregnant — so I decided to research all the possible
reasons for why my normally prompt period might
be late and I (and you, if you're in a similar situation)
shouldn't be panicking. Here are the seven most
likely reasons your period might be late besides
pregnancy … and if you make it to the end, you'll find
out whether or not my panicking was all for naught.
1. A Change In Your Regular Routine: Did you start a
new job? Change your wakeup time? Go on
vacation? It can take your body a little time to adjust
to a change in your regular routine and that can
impact your regular cycle, especially if the change
started at the time you would normally ovulate,
causing a delay or even a skipped cycle. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Moderate. I mean,
I did just spend a week doing nothing but eating
cheese and drinking wine in France. Usually my
routine consists of working and then eating cheese
and drinking wine, so…
2. Stress: Your emotions, particularly stress, can
have a major impact on the regularity of your
menstrual cycle. And if you're stressing about why
your period is late, that could actually delay its
arrival even more. Mother Nature is a cruel
mistress! Likelihood That This Is Impacting My
Period: High. Looking back over the last few months,
I've been stressed a lot — about my dad's death and
dealing with his estate, about work, etcetera — and I
might just be seeing the effects of that on my cycle
3. Illness: Being sick at the time you normally would
ovulate can delay ovulation — and if you ovulate
late, you'll get your period late. So if your period
hasn't arrived on schedule, think back a few weeks
— were you under the weather? Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Minor. I haven't been sick
recently, unless you count being hungover.
4. Pill Poppin': Taking a new medication or changing
the dosage on an existing medication can affect all
aspects of your body's well-being, including your
menstrual cycle — that's why your doctor, including
your gynecologist, always wants to know each and
every medication that you're on. Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Minor. I'm on a couple of
medications, but have been for while and haven't
changed my dosages at all.
5. Weight Issues: A major change in your weight —
either by gaining a lot or losing a lot of weight — can
throw your ovulation cycle off. People who are
underweight or extremely overweight sometimes
don't have a period at all — which is not very
healthy. Overall, an incredibly wonky or nonexistent
period is a sign of possible health issues. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. Well, I've
gradually gained maybe 7-10 pounds over the last
year, but I don't consider that a "major" change in
my weight — my weight has generally fluctuated by
the same 5-10 lbs for years.
6. Exercising Excessively: Have you been hitting Soul
Cycle every day after work? Training for a marathon?
If you've taken up a new and intense exercise
routine, your period might be thrown off. In fact,
people who engage in extreme physical activity
sometimes see their periods delayed. Likelihood
That This Is Impacting My Period: Minor. Um, I've
been to yoga, like, four times in the last four
months. I took my first Soul Cycle class ever last
night and it was awesome but rough. The most
exercise I generally get is from manically cleaning
my apartment or walking my dog. Fitness fiend, I am
7. Miscalculation: The average menstrual cycle is 28
days, but many, many women have shorter or
longer cycles and don't chart them correctly — so it
may be that your period is not actually late.
Additionally, the majority of women have cycles that
are irregular and don't necessarily realize it. If your
period is early even by a few days one month, it may
arrive late the following month. Likelihood That This
Is Impacting My Period: Major. As I obsessively
looked back through my calendar and tried to
remember when I had my last few periods, I
realized that the first day of each period was either a
Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday. I had always
thought of myself as having a regular ol' 28 cycle.
but clearly I don't; clearly my cycle is slightly
irregular and so what I consider "late" may not
actually be late. These are a few of the more basic,
every day reasons that an otherwise healthy woman,
who is not pregnant, might have a late period. There
are of course other, more serious reasons — a
thyroid condition, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or
an eating disorder for example. If you've taken a
negative pregnancy test and your period is more
than a couple weeks late, you should see your
gynecologist just to make sure everything is a-okay.
As for me? I took a pregnancy test on Saturday
morning, the most nerve-racking experience ever
because I had to drink, like, a gallon of water before
I felt like I had to pee enough. After three minutes, I
got my answer — Not Pregnant. No baby Fracois or
Amelie for me. A tiny, tiny part of me felt a little sad
— I'm planning on having a baby in the next three
years — but I mostly felt relieved, because I am
really committed to having a child on my own terms,
at the right time. Oh, and sure enough, Sunday
morning, got my period.
– Amelia McDonell-Parry/TheFrisky
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