Public Appeal To University Of Lagos Postgraduate School And Management
Public Appeal To University Of Lagos Mgt : "Please
Allow Us Graduate From Your Masters Program
After 4 Years"- Unilag MSc Student
April 28, 2015
Public Appeal To University Of Lagos Mgt : "Please
Allow Us Graduate From Your Masters Program
After 4 Years"- Unilag MSc Student
A Student of the University of Lagos Post Graduate
studies, names withheld reached out to us
( about an issue with his
academics that he and students in his class, had
with the authorities of Unilag since 2012 and is
seeking public help, to reach relevant authorities, to
intervene and help them find a possibility of ending
this age long school ordeal read his story below.
I resumed for MSc at the department of
geosciences, University of Lagos as one of the
pioneer student for the department's first academic
post graduate studies, that was in october 2011.
Being the pioneer set, there was no existing
structure on ground even as regards tuition, we paid
the same rate part time students from other
departments paid but those didn't cause any issue
because we had the will and we were all willing to
commit ourselves so that in the coming years we
would be back for our PhDs.
By october 2012, we had finished all the exams (first
and second semesters)we had our fieldwork in
december of the same year and started our
research work. The research work took us more
than a year due to the nature of data acquisition and
the selfishness of our supervisors. A number of my
classmates spent close to 300000 naira (Especially
those with geology options) to send samples from
the field to canada and Germany since their
supervisors discredited sample analysis from
Nigeria (Some of these thesis are already being used
to write papers in the supervisors name already)
By the second year (2013), we were asked to pay an
additional 91000 when we had already paid in
excess of 100000 than any other full time student in
the university, at this junction, we had to write
letters to the dean of students and the dean of
postgraduate school this was when the dean of
postgraduate school told us we cannot graduate
with the numbers of courses we enrolled for and the
department was asked to do something about it.
And because of this, many of us have been targets
by some of the senior lectures in the department.
We were finally able to do our seminar and defense
by october 2014 and we were dead certain that we
would be presented for graduation but
unfortunately our names did not feature in the
convocation list as our results were not yet
approved. We realized that our results have not
even been uploaded for pg school to approve, all
efforts to ensure that this issue is solved has been
futile as the course adviser who is to do the upload
has refused to answer his phone since yesterday
after all the efforts that have been put in place by
members of my class to liaise with the officer in
charge of result uploading and IT in pg school.
We are the first set from this department ( previous
postgraduate degrees have been professional
degrees), there is at least 2 set on ground now and
not one person is been presented for graduation. As
much as we desire the anonymity of our message,
we want our voices heard loud and clear. This
injustice must stop, we should not be made to pay
for the failures of others.
Allow Us Graduate From Your Masters Program
After 4 Years"- Unilag MSc Student
April 28, 2015
Public Appeal To University Of Lagos Mgt : "Please
Allow Us Graduate From Your Masters Program
After 4 Years"- Unilag MSc Student
A Student of the University of Lagos Post Graduate
studies, names withheld reached out to us
( about an issue with his
academics that he and students in his class, had
with the authorities of Unilag since 2012 and is
seeking public help, to reach relevant authorities, to
intervene and help them find a possibility of ending
this age long school ordeal read his story below.
I resumed for MSc at the department of
geosciences, University of Lagos as one of the
pioneer student for the department's first academic
post graduate studies, that was in october 2011.
Being the pioneer set, there was no existing
structure on ground even as regards tuition, we paid
the same rate part time students from other
departments paid but those didn't cause any issue
because we had the will and we were all willing to
commit ourselves so that in the coming years we
would be back for our PhDs.
By october 2012, we had finished all the exams (first
and second semesters)we had our fieldwork in
december of the same year and started our
research work. The research work took us more
than a year due to the nature of data acquisition and
the selfishness of our supervisors. A number of my
classmates spent close to 300000 naira (Especially
those with geology options) to send samples from
the field to canada and Germany since their
supervisors discredited sample analysis from
Nigeria (Some of these thesis are already being used
to write papers in the supervisors name already)
By the second year (2013), we were asked to pay an
additional 91000 when we had already paid in
excess of 100000 than any other full time student in
the university, at this junction, we had to write
letters to the dean of students and the dean of
postgraduate school this was when the dean of
postgraduate school told us we cannot graduate
with the numbers of courses we enrolled for and the
department was asked to do something about it.
And because of this, many of us have been targets
by some of the senior lectures in the department.
We were finally able to do our seminar and defense
by october 2014 and we were dead certain that we
would be presented for graduation but
unfortunately our names did not feature in the
convocation list as our results were not yet
approved. We realized that our results have not
even been uploaded for pg school to approve, all
efforts to ensure that this issue is solved has been
futile as the course adviser who is to do the upload
has refused to answer his phone since yesterday
after all the efforts that have been put in place by
members of my class to liaise with the officer in
charge of result uploading and IT in pg school.
We are the first set from this department ( previous
postgraduate degrees have been professional
degrees), there is at least 2 set on ground now and
not one person is been presented for graduation. As
much as we desire the anonymity of our message,
we want our voices heard loud and clear. This
injustice must stop, we should not be made to pay
for the failures of others.
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