Type Of Men Women Don't Want To Get Involve With(2015 Version)

Ever met an amazing guy only to realize a few
days later he's a little on the weird side? Or even
worse, he's a full-out psycho in a normal man's
body? It happens to the best of us. Read on to
find out which types of guys to avoid at all
Types of guys to avoid #1
The Stalker
He plays it cool at first, but develops an
obsession within days and is soon calling,
texting and e-mailing you several times a day;
always wants to know where you are, what you
are doing and who you're with, and tends to call
over and over again if you don't answer the first
The remedy: Tell him you're not ready for
anything serious and like to keep your time (and
your freedom!) to yourself. If he doesn't get the
hint, ignore his calls and cut off all
Types of guys to avoid #2
The Liar
His stories never add up, his facts are always
off, and his personality seems too good to be
true? It probably is. Men like this like to get
attention by making up grandiose tales to tell
their friends and using white lies to cover up any
little indiscretion. They know they're liars, and
they don't care; either they think it's okay, or
they figure they've gotten this far without being
honest, why start now?
The remedy: Tell him the truth; you feel like you
never know if he's lying or not, and that
guessing games are not your thing.
Types of guys to avoid #3
The Raging Alcoholic
You're scared to go for drinks with him because
he can never stop after one or two; he usually
doesn't remember what happened the night
before; every time you hang out, alcohol is
involved in some capacity. After a few drinks,
he's ready to fight anyone that walks by him.
The remedy: Tell him you're worried about him
and his partying ways, and see if he wants to
spend some quiet nights at home or go on some
daytime dates. If not, quit.
Types of guys to avoid #4
The Insulter
This guy probably got a lot of attention in high
school by treating girls badly, and he thinks he's
still got game. He's constantly putting you, his
friends, and everyone else who happens to be
within earshot down. This makes him feel big
and powerful.
The remedy: Tell him you're not just any girl and
that you deserve better. It's time to move on!
Types of guys to avoid #5
The Sports Fanatic
He's always watching the game, whether it's
hockey, football, soccer, or baseball; boy's night
is every night because there are constantly men,
beer and sports TV at his house; he belongs to
23 different pools; his idea of a date is going to
the corner pub and watching the game. A friend
narrated to me how her ordeal. She and her
boyfriend were making out then Chelsea
came on live. The guy just stop in the middle of
the action to watch the match. When then
inquired of him what the problem was and he
replied his football is more important to him.
Well that's the height.
The remedy: Tell him there's more to life for you
than sports, and that you need to get out there
and experience it; if he wants to join you, he'll
have to turn that TV off for a while or else quit.
Types of guys to avoid #6
The Pretty Boy
He spends more time in front of the mirror than
you do, and we're not talking minutes, we're
talking hours. He looks at his reflection in every
store window you walk by, and excuses himself
several times to go check his hair. This guy is
high-maintenance; you find yourself sitting on
the couch waiting for him to get ready. That
could be a gay signal.. We will discuss more on
The remedy: Tell him he spends way too much
time on his looks and not enough focusing on
what's important – like you.
Types of guys to avoid #7
The Party Animal
A well-known cousin of the raging alcoholic, the
party animal is always looking for the next bash
to crash. He always knows about every party,
and makes an appearance at all of them – no
matter what. Even at 5 a.m. when you want to
get him into bed, he's on the prowl for a wild
The remedy: See if he's down for some quiet
time. If that's not on his agenda, pencil yourself
Types of guys to avoid #8
The Playboy
This guy always has a different girl in his
passenger seat, and they're all his "cousins"; he's
always texting and his phone rings off the hook;
he knows how to charm the pants off of anyone;
he doesn't always answer his phone, and makes
up silly excuses when he doesn't.
The remedy: If you really like him, beat him at
his own game; start seeing other guys and
hanging out with your guy friends and see how
he feels. If he keeps it up, say goodbye.
Types of guys to avoid #9
The Sex Friend
The sex fiend has a one-track mind. All he thinks
about is sex, how to get it, and how to relate
everything to it; he's constantly making
inappropriate comments, no matter who's
around; he always makes silly jokes about sex;
his friends even call him "horndawg".
The remedy: Try to find out what his other
interests are. If he has none, tell him to go find
it elsewhere.
Types of guys to avoid #10
The Woman Beater
This is the worst out of the rest in my own
opinion. When he's discussing and mentions a
girl that offended him, he will say stuffs like "if I
had known I would have beat her up" "if I slap
her with one hand she will faint " or says stuffs
like " I will slap you" and even actually slaps or/
and beats you. After he feels so terrible sorry
and very very apologetic.
The remedy
Girlfriends you not just quit, take to your heels
and run away. But if he has really hit you but
you but makes comments about hitting ladies
you should tell him he needs to see a counsellor,
if he resist well, then call a quit.
Types of guys to avoid #11
The Rapist
Yes, I said so rapist. I have encountered several
of them. On the first outing they kissing you
forcefully. They don't care whether you are
actually carried away by emotions they assume
you should. Forcefully still want to kiss you.
The remedy
Don't succumb to that, no. Talk to him there and
then that you don't like that. If he trys it a
second time please just take a U turn. (As for
there's no 2nd outing). It will shock you married
women get constantly raped by their husbands
and they can't say anything about it. Be wise
when its not too late.
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